It started with the idea to ride motorcycles from our hometown in The Netherlands all the way down to Cape Town in South Africa. After we took the plunge we quit our jobs, packed our gear, prepared our motorcycles and made a reservation for a cabin on a ferry from Italy to Morocco. In december 2020 it was time to ride towards adventure on our Yamaha Ténéré 700’s.
From Morocco, we wanted to cross into Mauritania. A short while after we arrived in Morocco, the country closed its borders. The result of this was that we got locked up in the country for 6 months. From our journey through Morocco, we made a documentary. If you like to watch it, click here:
On the 15th of June, the Moroccan borders partially opened up again. The borders with Europe reopened, the borders with the neighboring African countries did not. We decided to take a ferry back to Europe. From there we have the possibility to make alternative travel plans. We decided to ship our motorcycles to Cape Town and fly there ourselves. From Cape Town we will cross the African continent with an alternative route.
For us it might be relatively easy to set ourselves a goal and just go for it, we realize that’s not the case for everyone. We want to do something in return for the opportunities we have. Therefor we selected two foundations to support. More information about the foundations can be found here: CHARITY. We hope to be able to visit the projects of the foundations in Kenya and Uganda.
With our initiative we support two charities, foundation Campvuur and foundation Trees for All. Prior to our departure, we organized various events to raise money and promote the charities. We planned a motorcycle tour, a benefit dinner and a puzzle rally.
The preparations were in full swing when Corona came along. Because of this, we had to cancel 2 of the 3 events. Fortunately, the benefit dinner could still take place. Despite the restrictions, we are happy with the amount we raised for both foundations. Thanks to our partners and everyone else who contributed!
The Campvuur foundation is an initiative of Frank van Campen and Elly van Vuuren. In 2006 they founded the foundation. Together they make education accessible to underprivileged children in Ukunda, Kenya. In addition to making education possible, they also provide teaching materials, school uniforms, meals, medical care (if needed) and they support the construction and improvement of the school buildings.
They support 3 schools: St. Elizabethe Nursery School, St. Franciscus Nurserey School and St. Angelo Primary School. This last one is still being worked on. Every year there is a new project to improve the school. A new kitchen was finished in 2018, in 2019-2020 they built the common area and the next project planned is to improve the sanitary facilities.
The money we have raised for this foundation will go to the St. Angelo Primary School and will be used for this year’s project. During our journey trough Africa we will visit the school.
Trees for All foundation plants trees in The Netherlands and abroad and compensates carbon dioxide emissions. Their mission is to plant new forests worldwide and to protect and restore existing forests. They do this trough sustainable forest projects. This way they contribute to a better climate, more biodiversity and better living conditions for the local population.
We compensate the carbon dioxide emissions we cause with our journey through Africa. We realize this by planting new trees through the Trees for All foundation. This way we make a positive climate contribution.
One of the projects of the Trees for All foundation is located in Uganda. They restore and protect the Kibale Park, one of the most beautiful rainforests in East Africa. Once we are in Uganda, we will visit the project.
Deelnemer verklaart in het bezit te zijn van een geldig rijbewijs voor het motorrijtuig waarmee de deelnemer in de toertocht rijdt. Deelnemer beschikt over de benodigde verzekering tegen wettelijke aansprakelijkheid. Deelnemer beschikt over voldoende rijvaardigheid en voldoende fysieke gesteldheid voor deelname aan de toertocht en draagt zorg voor een motorrijtuig dat in goede technische conditie verkeert.
Door akkoord te gaan met de algemene voorwaarden doet deelnemer afstand van ieder verhaalsrecht op de organisatie. Deelnemer verklaart de organisatie op generlei wijze aansprakelijk te stellen voor ongevallen of schade die tijdens de toertocht zijn ontstaan. Deelname aan de toertocht is geheel op eigen risico.
Het is in geen enkel geval verplicht voor deelnemer om de groep of route te volgen tijdens de toertocht. Deelnemer kan altijd afwijken van de aangegeven route, als deelnemer dat noodzakelijk acht. Deelnemer houdt zich tijdens de toertocht aan de Wegenverkeerswet.
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